Tuesday, January 18, 2011

28/365 Triangle

The Daily Shoot: Make a photograph with a triangular composition.

During time off from my live-on volunteering at Laguna Seca Recreation Area (Salinas, California), I have lots of digital photography opportunities. What I have learned about a 365-photos-in-365-days challenge is that it takes thought, planning, time, creativity, good observational skills and patience. I have been accustomed to taking pictures of scenes that attract my attention in some undefined way.

Completing a daily challenge is a different way of looking for a shot. Now I am looking for compositions composed of  lines that create a shape, or may be mainly one color, or portray a particular textural quality. I will be patient with myself and know that I will gradually integrate what innately guides me with my new learning. Until then, mistakes will be abundant. That's what growing is all about. 


Leovi said...

La composición te ha quedado atractiva (claro que para mi ese es uno de los grandes símbolos de mi vida). Me alegro por el reto que te has propuesto y como bien dices el secreto esta en practicar, reconocer los errores y descubrir nuevos caminos. Seguro que acabaras por vivir con pasión tu proyecto. Saludos.

Leovi said...

The composition will have been attractive (of course for me, this is one of the great symbols of my life.) I'm happy for the challenge you set out and as you say the secret is in practice, to acknowledge mistakes and find new paths. Sure you end up with a passion to live your project. Greetings.

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

Not and easy task ! Good 28th...

parker said...

Nice bright pic with triangles!

And Peace be with you!