Daily Shoot assignment is: Make a high key photograph today dominated by bright tones.
What is a high key photograph?
According to
Norma Jones' art terms: High key is characterized by an overall feeling of lightness but without strong contrasting colors or values
What are bright tones?
Tone according to is: a quality of color with reference to the degree of absorption or reflection of light; a tint or shade; value.
When the sun broke out this rainy morning (at Manzanita Park in Prunedale, California) and illuminated the wet foliage of plants, I rushed out with my camera and shot as many scenes as possible before the sun was gone again. The terms high key and bright tones in relation to digital photography are new to me. But based on my cursory understanding, the shot of the pine needles and seeds seems to fit the order. What do you think?
I want to highlight work today that inspires me. Take a look at what Greygirl25 is doing with her photography challenges.
Itsa Greyt Day blog. Enjoy!