Monday, February 28, 2011

60/365 Music to My Ears

 Today's Daily Shoot: Make a photograph illustrating a sound that catches your ear today.

I like this print because it reminds me of my beginnings with black and white photography nearly twenty five years ago. The graininess of it reminds me of the darkroom prints I use to make. Of course, all that was before cell phones!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

59/365 Glow

Today’s Daily Shoot assignment is: Make a photograph of something that is glowing today. Use any meaning of the word you like.
John and I had breakfast at The Lighthouse Grille this morning over in Moss Landing (California). This lamp was part of the restaurant's lighting.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

58/365 Connection

 Today’s Daily Shoot: 
Show the concept of connection.

0 connection glass cleaner

Taken from things at home readily available to be shot inside.

Friday, February 25, 2011

57/365 Horizontal Line

Today’s Daily Shoot assignment is: Make a photograph featuring strong horizontal lines today.

0 horizontal
This is the sign at the entrance to my RV site in the park where we volunteer.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

56/365 The Beauty Around Me

Today’s Daily Shoot assignment is: Beauty is all around us. Make a photo of some naturally occurring beauty in your area today.

As I walked Gingee (my Cavalier King Charles Spaniel) after her dinner in Manzanita Park (Prunedale, CA) where we volunteer, I looked out at the stormy clouds and snapped this shot. How beautiful is that sky?

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

51 - 55/365 I was shooting but just now posting

51/365 Yellow should dominate.
This is mustard blowing in the wind in Friday's storm (off Highway 101 near San Luis Obispo).

52/365 Today’s Daily Shoot assignment is: Make a photograph of something that captures a small bit of the flavor of where you live or your culture.
(I cheated. This is from where I use to live. I do love Los Angeles.)

53 Unusually large or small
I'm contrasting my friend against the tall sculpture.

54/365 Self Portrait
This made me refresh my memory on how to use the self-timer on my camera.

55/365 Today’s Daily Shoot assignment is: Make a photograph today that illustrates of the act waiting.

I bet you can't guess what Gingee is waiting for.


Thursday, February 17, 2011

50/365 Mood

Today’s Daily Shoot assignment is: Happy, sad, frazzled, or stuffed to the gills? Make an abstract or literal photo that expresses how you feel today.

I'm calmly and patiently working through a list of things to do this rainy day as I prepare for a road trip to Los Angeles tomorrow. The rain makes me feel a little lazy but I'm focused too. (This is my cavalier king charles spaniel Gingee modeling my mood for me.)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

49/365 Bright Tones

Today’s Daily Shoot assignment is: Make a high key photograph today dominated by bright tones.

What is a high key photograph?
According to Norma Jones' art terms: High key is characterized by an overall feeling of lightness but without strong contrasting colors or values

What are bright tones?
Tone according to is: a quality of color with reference to the degree of absorption or reflection of light; a tint or shade; value.


When the sun broke out this rainy morning (at Manzanita Park in Prunedale, California) and illuminated the wet foliage of plants, I rushed out with my camera and shot as many scenes as possible before the sun was gone again. The terms high key and bright tones in relation to digital photography are new to me. But based on my cursory understanding, the shot of the pine needles and seeds seems to fit the order. What do you think?
I want to highlight work today that inspires me. Take a look at what Greygirl25 is doing with her photography challenges. Itsa Greyt Day blog. Enjoy!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

48/365 Something Old

Today’s Daily Shoot assignment is: Make a photograph of something old. Be sure to show us the character that age can give a subject.

Today Gingee (my cavalier king charles spaniel) and I walked the perimeter trail at Manzanita Park (in Prunedale, California). Couldn't pass up shooting (with my camera) this rare find under the eucalyptus trees. This is why I love digital photography! Can you guess the year and make?

Monday, February 14, 2011

46/365 Tell the Story (Guess correctly and win handmade greeting cards.)

Today’s Daily Shoot assignment is: Tell the story of a subject today in a photograph by photographing one specific detail of it.

Do you know what this detail says about its larger subject? What is the larger subject and how does this detail fit with it? For the person who guesses correctly first, I'll send a set of four handmade greeting cards made from two of your favorite Levonne's Pretty Pics shots.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

47/365 Moss Landing Sky

The Daily Shoot: Look up today and make a photograph of the sky. Cloudy, clear, or somewhere in between? Tell the story of your sky today.

John and I took Gingee (our Cavalier King Charles Spaniel) for a walk around Moss Landing's (California) harbor this morning after a delicious breakfast at the Lighthouse Harbour Grill. The sky looked especially vast and beautiful from this perspective.

Friday, February 11, 2011

45/365 Live, Laugh, Love

Today’s Photo!

For a week, since John, Gingee and I arrived at Manzanita Park (Prunedale, CA) where we are live-on caretakers, I've been looking for a mobile to replace the tattered one that was there. I found it today. This makes me feel happy and I am hoping it will do the same for everyone that sees it.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

44/365 Perspective

Today’s Daily Shoot assignment is:
Change your point of view. Make a photograph from an unusual point of view today.

Gingee (my cavalier king charles spaniel) and I went to Prunedale's (California) Hearnestore farm supply this morning. As I was leaving this scene caught my eye. I thought that it created an interesting perspective on Highway 101 beyond the store. This is also a good example of framing. I used photoshop to enhance this picture. What do you have to say about perspective in this shot?

Monday, February 7, 2011

43/365 Framed Innards

Today’s Daily Shoot assignment is: Use a window or a door as a frame for your subject today in a photograph.

I thought this photo was fun though the innards are not necessarily the subject. What do you think?

Sunday, February 6, 2011

42/365 Ubiquitous

Today’s Daily Shoot assignment is: Power plugs are ubiquitous. Can you make a creative photo of such a common thing? Try it today!

Not an easy task to make a common object interesting sometimes. But while John worked on changing the service to the Jazz from 50 amps to 30 amps at our new live-on volunteer site at Manzanita Park (Prunedale, California), I snapped a few photos.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

41/365 Form and Color

Today’s Daily Shoot assignment is: Go abstract today and make a photograph that focuses on form and color rather than detail.

This is my interpretative study of form and color. Cylindrical and muted colors. It looks abstract to my eye.

Friday, February 4, 2011

40/365 Sense of Depth

Today’s Daily Shoot assignment is: Create a photo today that gives a sense of depth or dimension.

This morning's sunrise at Laguna Seca Recreation Area (Salinas, California) fits the bill for showing dimension. (Dimension is defined as "A measure of spatial extent, especially width, height, or length.") Does this photo capture spatial extent or give a sense of depth?

Thursday, February 3, 2011

39/365 Look Upward

Today’s Daily Shoot assignment is: Look upward today. Make a photograph with a low horizon and that emphasizes the sky.

This is today's sky above Laguna Seca Recreation Area (Salinas, California). The weather is warm and sunny with nothing but blue skies looking at me.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

38/365 News Worthy

The Daily Shoot: Pretend you're a stringer for your local newspaper today. Make a photo that captures something newsworthy to you.

(I ask myself, What is a stringer? According to Wikipedia, in journalism, a stringer is a type of freelance journalist or photographer who contributes reports or photos to a news organization on an on-going basis but is paid individually for each piece of published or broadcast work.)

Does this photo draw you in and make you wonder what is happening here? What's the story you tell yourself about what is going on?

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

37/365 One Single Subject

Today’s Daily Shoot assignment is: Fill the frame of a photograph with a single subject today.

(The Daily Shoot assignments archive can be visited here.)  

Good day! Well, I love the opportunity to fill the frame with my little Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Gingee. She sleeps so peacefully and I often find myself watching her and thinking about how cozy and soft she looks. I especially like the detail in this single subject shot today. Is there a subject that you love to shoot up close?